AD and BC: Explained

BC and AD can be quite confusing when we want to understand about certain history with respect to the time period. What is BC and AD? BC and AD are…

India-China Relations: Explained

This article will explain the entire ongoing conflict between India and China with all the proofs and sources. Introduction India, officially known as ‘India or ‘Bharat’ is the world’s seventh…

North Sentinel Island: One of The Most Dangerous Place on Planet

The world has shrunk a lot with the ease in communication and reach. Today, we can all reach almost anywhere in the world and communicate with different people but still,…

India-Nepal Conflict: Explained

This article will explain the entire ongoing conflict between India and Nepal with all the proofs and sources. In this conflict, there are three countries involved, India, Nepal and China.…

Countries with their currency name ‘Rupee’.

Countries where name of the currency is ‘Rupee’ pic We know that there are many different currencies with the name ‘Dollar’, but all of us don’t know that their are…

5 facts about Bahrain, you may not know!

Facts about Bahrain Bahrain, officially known as ‘Kingdom of Bahrain’ is an Arab country located in Persian Gulf. It is an island. Here are the top facts about this nation:…

Meet Pakistan’s sikh regiment!

The regiment for minority of Pakistan: Sikhs Add caption Pakistan is a country located in South Asia. It is the sixth-most populated country around the globe. More than 96% of…

9 Facts about India-Pakistan Partition, You May Not Know!

The partition of India and Pakistan was a no doubt a distruction for both of the countries. Here are some of the lesser-known facts about it: Pakistan got Independence on…

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