The Disputes of DRC & Uganda

Introduction Uganda is a landlocked country located in East Africa. It is known for having diverse cultures, mountain ranges, lakes and rare birds. Democratic Republic of Congo is the second-largest…

Persecution of Hindus around the world

Like any other religious community, Hindus are widely targeted since hundreds of years. Been targeted and discriminated in their own homelands to getting forced out of their homes. Here are…

China and USA tensions over Taiwan.

Introduction We must have seen the global coverage over the China-Taiwan-USA tensions which rose in July-August of 2022 where an American politician entered Taiwan without certain permissions triggering Chinese Communist…

The Indian Telecom Industry – Challenges & Future Aspects

India is the world’s second largest telecommunications market with about 1.17 billion subscribers as of 2022. According to Forbes India, this industry contributes about 6% to the Indian GDP. The…

The Lost Nuclear in The Hill

In 1960s, the world was under suffering from certain geopolitical failures as the cold war was active. USA was trying its best to suppress communism and Soviet influence on the…

Insights on Somalia-Kenya Border Dispute

Introduction Somalia, officially known as ‘Federal Republic of Somalia’ is an African country in the ‘Horn of Africa’. It is popular for ocean pirates, unstable government, poverty, natural biodiversity, national…

Monkeypox: Another health emergency after Coronavirus

Introduction Monkeypox is a viral disease. World Health Organization has declared this communicable disease, ‘Monkey Pox’ as a global health emergency amid the rising cases and threats. It further declares…

Modi Government hits hard on Indian R&D, contradicts themselves

The Indian Financial Budget of 2022 launched in February 2022 is widely praised as well as criticized. Modi Government is known for coming up with new schemes, bills and various…

An alternative political plan for India: Republic of Bhaarat (Opinion)

Introduction India, officially known as ‘Republic of India’ is truly an amazing country when it comes to its diversity, tolerance and history. It is one of the most diverse country…

Talking about all India-Pakistan Disputes

Introduction India and Pakistan are two neighbouring countries located in South Asia. Both countries have a lot of similarities whether it be with the languages, religions, cultures/traditions or certain geography.…

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