This article will explain the entire ongoing conflict between India and China with all the proofs and sources.
India, officially known as ‘India or ‘Bharat’ is the world’s seventh largest country, located in South Asia. The military strength of the country is ranked as number 4 in the world by Global Fire Power.
China, officially known as ‘People’s Republic of China’ is the world’s fourth largest country by land and most populous country in the world. The military strength of the country is ranked as number 3 in the world by Global Fire Power.
Check the military power ranking:
There is an ongoing conflict between India and China which is recieving a lot of international attention.
History of India-China Relations
India got independence in 1947 while China got independence in 1949. Both the countries are neighbouring countries
Establishment of relations, 1950
India established diplomatic relations with China on April 1, 1950 where Tibet was considered a part of China (still considered).
China’s unethical encroachment, 1954

In 1954, despite of establishing peaceful relations in 1950 and India showing a region Aksai Chin, China illegally and unethically constructed a road over the land.
This started the disputes and bad relations between India and China.
Sino-Indian War, 1962

The first war between these two countries was the ‘Sino-Indian War’ in 1962 which lasted for almost a month. The main cause of this war was because of the land dispute of Aksai Chin. China won the war because of comparatively weak Indian Army than the Chinese one at that period of time. Since then, India shows Aksai Chin to be a part of India on the Official Map of India while China also claims the land.
In reality, Aksai Chin region is administered by China while India only shows it on the map.
Aksai Chin undoubtedly belongs to India while China is having unauthorised control over it. This is because:
- In 1865, a British India’s Civil Servant, Mr. William Johnson drew ‘Johnson Line’ which was released by British Indian government and made the region fall under Jammu & Kashmir.
- Aksai Chin region was a part of the princely state, Jammu & Kashmir ruled by the king, Mr. Hari Singh. In 1949, the king decided to integrate his state with India and he did so. He went through all the official statements and the paperwork. Hence, the land falls under the Indian rule.
While behind this, China was strengthening the China-Pakistan relations in order to weaken India and support terrorism (as Pakistan has hold over POK illegally and is found sending terrorists).
Nathu La & Cho La Incident, 1967

In 1967, some tensions provoking wars took place on India-China border between the national armies on India’s Sikkim border. We call it ‘Nathu La Incident’, and the other as, ‘Cho La Incident’. This led to a lot of violence, killings, loss in foreign trade and loss of land for India, again.
Fast forward

After all this, India tried to strengthen the relations with China and solve the border disputes like:
- The Indian Minister of External Affairs, Mr. Vajpayee, visiting landmark visit to Beijing, China.
- The Indian Prime Minister, Mrs. Indira Gandhi approving a plans and meetings in 1980s.
- Mr. Rajiv Gandhi visiting China in December 1988.
- Indian President visiting China in 1992.
- Opening of trade on disputed area in 2000s.
- Establishment of BRICS, a group of five countries which included China and India.
- Mr. Manmohan Singh visiting China to discuss trade and border issues in 2008
- Organising BRICS summits in India.
- etc.
but there was no major good responses from China.
Doklam standoff, 2017

In 2017, China again illegally tried to capture the Bhutanese land, Doklam which is shown in Bhutanese map since 1960s. In this matter, India had to face China on behalf of Bhutan in order to stand against injustice and maintain friendship with Bhutan.
More incidents since 2018
Some serious incidents took place in which shook the world and showed China’s malpractices. Here are some of the deeds:
- Harming minorites

Minorities in the country like non-Mandarin speakers, Muslims, Tibetans etc. are in a bad condition. Where, Tibet doesn’t even consider to be a part of China where they have their own President and government body. Despite of diversity in the country, CCP doesn’t recognize democracy and secularism, which leads to disputes with Taiwan (Republic of China), Hong Kong, Macau and Tibet which are struggling for freedom. This went to another level when reports of attack at mosques and racism were reported. In 2019, CCP has been accused for managing some rapid campaign to separate Muslim children from their families.
- COVID-19

It is reported that China always tries to develop bio-bombs which could lead to mass killings and spreading of infections. A lab in Wuhan, China was experimenting on bats to develop the same which resulted in spread of Coronavirus disease. China got to this disease in September 2019 or early itself but it hided the fact to the world which led to outbreak in December 2019 all around the world leading to a lot of killings while China is all sorted with this disease.
- Nathu-La Clash, 2020

On May 10, 2020, despite of the global pandemic and other issues, Chinese Army again clashed with Indian Army on Sikkim border for Nathu La. This injured 11 Indian soldiers.
- Ladakh Clash, 2020

In June 2020, China tried to shift the Chinese border to capture Ladakh’s Pangong Tso (a lake) and threaten India for a war and destruction. The country also constructed infrastructures on disputed lands. Though, Indian Army is prepared for everything and won’t give the land at any cost.
In order to resolve this, the Army officials of both the countries came up with a meeting while Chinese official didn’t show any positive response and no conclusion was made.