The ‘Red Cows conspiracy theory’ has bombarded the media bringing a new angle in the Israel-Hamas Clashes since the attacks of October 7 on Israel. Various terrorist groups, rebel groups and non-Jews have shown concern over an upcoming project by Israelis which could provoke more violence, destruction or bring some historic change. Certain groups and individuals even claim this is a mission to slam Muslims, their religious sites and their influence over Jerusalem. Even the Hamas’ Spokesman, Abu Obeidah, released a video explaining the motivators of his group’s attack on Israel where he mentions of bringing of the red cows which is a sign of Jewish expansion over Muslims’ Al-Aqsa Mosque.
To understand this conspiracy theory, we should be thorough with the Israel and Palestine Conflict along with the clear understanding of the Temple Mount premise beforehand.
Current Presence of the Temple Mount

All of us might not be clear with the Temple Mount premise. Many people are confused in recognition of the actual Al-Aqsa mosque since there are two Islamic sites present in the same compound. To clarify this, we can refer to the above image and the points below:
- The structure with golden-dome is called ‘Dome of the Rock’ which is an Islamic shrine constructed to mark the exact spot from where Prophet Muhammad PBUH ascended to heaven with Angel Gabriel (Jabrel), specifically called the event of Mi’raj (or simply Miraj).
- The structure with the black dome is the actual Al-Aqsa Mosque where the event of Isra took place.
- The following wall is the Western Wall, which is a Jewish shrine based on the remains of the walls of the Second Temple (a Jewish synagogue) which was destroyed by Roman Empire in 70 AD.
- This entire premise is called Temple Mount which is holy to Jews, Christians and Muslims.
History of the Temple Mount
Before 957 BC, today’s Temple Mount existed as a holy place among Jews with no certain human constructions. It was a holy site remembered as a really special spot since it is believed that it is the same spot where Prophet Abraham prepared to sacrifice his own son, Isaac (Ismail in Islam) to obeidience of God.
In 957 BC, the First Temple (also known as Solomon’s Temple) was built under King Solomon (King of Kingdom of Israel) as a Jewish sacred site within Temple Mount premise, housing Ark of the Covenant which is a Jewish artifact containing several sacred items which relate to Prophet Moses and Prophet Aaron (elder brother of Moses).
In 586 BC, King Nebuchadnezzar II of Babylon Dynasty destroyed the First Temple as soon as he captured Jerusalem. This also led to the misplace of Ark of the Convenant. The destruction of this holy site was a horrific event which destroyed the holiest site of Judaism.
In 515 BC, the Second Temple (also known as Herod’s Temple) was built under Darius I (King of Achaemenid/First Persian Empire) while the construction was initialized by Zerubbabel (Governor of Achaemenid/First Persian Empire) long before. It was further rennovated and expanded by King Herod (King of Kingdom of Judea) which made the temple get its name after the king’s name. This temple was built on the exact same spot of the First Temple.
In 70 AD, The Second Temple was destroyed by the Roman Empire. The event occurred in when the Roman Forces, under the command of General Titus (later Emperor Titus), besieged and captured Jerusalem during the First Jewish–Roman War (66–73 AD).
The remains of the walls of Second Temple is today known as ‘Western Walls’ which is the holiest site for Jews.
In 621, it is BELIEVED that the two Islamic holy events occured, Isra and Mi’raj. These two events’ final point was the Temple Mount only.
The last Islamic prophet, Prophet Muhmmad PBUH travelled from Mosque Al Haram in Mecca (holiest Islamic site) to Al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem within a night on his supernatural-powered horse in just one night by the God’s grace. This event is called Isra.
Prophet Muhammad PBUH ascended to heaven with Angel Gabriel (Jabrel), called the event of Mi’raj (or simply Miraj).
Between 685 to 691, ‘Dome of the Rock’ was built by the fifth Caliphate of Umayyad Caliph/Dynasty, Abd al-Malik within Temple Mount but it is still uncertain and debatable if this structure is built exactly on the coordinates of the Second Temple. It is an Islamic shrine constructed to mark the exact spot from where Prophet Muhammad PBUH ascended to heaven with Angel Gabriel (Jabrel), specifically called the event of Mi’raj (or simply Miraj).
In 705 AD, Al Aqsa Mosque is built by the fifth Caliphate of Umayyad Caliph/Dynasty, Abd al-Malik but it is still uncertain and debatable if this structure is built exactly on the coordinates of the Second Temple. It is considered one of the holiest sites for Muslims and the third holiest site for Sunni Muslims because of its historical or mythological significance. It is believed that the last Islamic prophet, Prophet Muhmmad PBUH travelled from Mosque Al Haram in Mecca (holiest Islamic site) to Al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem within a night on his supernatural-powered horse in just one night by the God’s grace. This event is called Isra.
In 1948, Israel forms as country. Since then, there has been increasing demands for the construction of the ‘Third Temple’ which would replace the Second Temple giving Jews their place of worship back.
In 1987, ‘The Temple Institute’ is formed with the objective of spreading awareness, practicing Judaism and collecting funds for the aim of construction of the Third Temple. In the same year, the organisation opened a museum showcasing the history or mythology related to the importance of this temple and the entire premise of Temple Mount.
Third Temple is a proposed project by various Jewish as well as Zionist groups but there are no official statements or plans talked by the Israeli Government. It is to be noted that no organisation has planned or started such construction
The Red Heifer (cow)
The Red Heifer (commonly known as red cow) refers to a female reddish-brown coloured cow who has never been pregnant, milked or yoked. This cow is used for Jewish religious practices based on the commandment found in Verses 1 to 22 from Chapter 19 of Book of Numbers (Bamidbar) in Torah (Jewish sacred texts).
According to the Jewish practices, such cows can be used for purification rituals. A red cow with matching features shall be sacrificed under the the Jewish rabbis (priests) and the ashes of it, mixed with water to create a solution, can be used to purify individuals who would of become ritually impure through contact with a corpse. This process is often practiced by certain Jews.
According to certain traditions, a red heifer was sacrificed even before building the Second Temple and the First Temple where the ashes mixed with water (forming a solution) were used for certain rituals including the use of this solution on chosen priests and adherents. It is to be noted that there is no direct historical or Bibical record if this actually happened but it is just believed by a large number of people.
Since 1990s, Temple Institute has been searching for the ‘perfect’ red heifer which exactly matches the requirements mentioned in the Torah. There are more specific requirements such as the cow should be without blemish but it is said that they could not find the perfect cow they want. It is said that this cow hunt has been ongoing specifically for the Third Temple.
In 2015, Temple Institute published a video promoting their organisation and objectives. In the video, a rabbi (Jewish priest) requests the viewers to raise red heifers in Israel. He also shares how the organisation is working hard on their cow farms raising plenty of cows to get the perfect red heifer one day.
In this same video, the priest claims that the finding of the perfect red heifer is the prerequisit for building the holy temple which is assumed to be the Third Temple by a large number of people.
In September 2022, about 5 red heifers were imported from USA to Israel by The Temple Institute. A video of such cows was even uploaded by the organisation itself on their official YouTube channel:
This import of these cows and claims of the Temple Institute have created a big discussion among the people. A share of population fears that the third holiest site of Islam, Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock will be demolished to construct The Third Temple. While, we see certain people who are supporting the construction of the Jewish holy site for historical correction and to support the Jews who are undoubtedly the most persecuted minority in the world who lost their the most holy site.
It is to be noted that there is still no official statement or a confirmation about the purpose of such cow or anything related to construction of the Third Temple by demolishing Al Aqsa Mosque.

Jews, Christians and Muslims, all of these communities belong to the same family where they abide by the teachings and views of the common prophets like Prophet Abraham (Ibrahim) PBUH. All of these three religions are beautiful and preach the same values like non-violence, brotherhood, selflessness. The fight over the land of the Temple Mount premise purely showcases the greed over a piece of land. Since it is a highly sacred land for all of the three Abrahamic religions, it can be divided since it is sizeable and all the three communities need to learn to co-exist keeping the politics and superiority aside.
I believe that a joint-project can be proposed to solve the dispute of Temple Mount by keeping the politics, hatred and corruption aside. The entire premise could be rebuilt by placing Al-Aqsa Mosque as it is and the Third Temple can be built around the center (beside the Dome of the Rock) connecting to Western Wall for easier access. Also, a Christian section can also be created to respect the Christian belief that Jesus worshipped the God and taught his ministry within this Temple Mount.
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