Zakir Naik: The Successful Manipulator

Dr. Zakir Naik is an Indian-origin Saudi-Malaysian businessman who is founder of Peace TV and Islam Research Foundation. Graduated in Mumbai, India, he is popular for his controversial speeches and weird statements.

We don’t think he is a preacher. Moreover, he is not even a good personality. This is because of the following points:

  • Spreading hatred

He enjoys ‘comparative religions’, which means, comparing other religions with the religion he follows all the time. This is not Islamic preaching, this only induces hatred and conflicts amongst people. While, only his religion should have been preached. There is no need to make Islam superior by pointing out other religions. (Reference: Huda TV)

  • Wanted

He is wanted by the Indian government since long now. In September 2016, he claimed this to be an attack on Indian Muslims. This is just sparking Indian population over religious fights proving that he is trying to get a cover for himself from the government. I believe, if a person is wanted by the authority, it has nothing to do with the other people of same race, religion, gender etc. If he is innocent, then why is he hiding and scared? Islam always teach people to take their stand if they are right. (Reference: His remarks with media)

  • Says no to religious places except Islamic

He believes that construction of religious places except mosques and religious preachings other than Islam is bad. The countries doing so are wrong. (Reference: his interview with Q TV)

  • Contradicting himself: All religions except one are false but all are same

He believes that all religions in the world are false, teaching illogical and incorrect things while his religion is the only a true religion. (Reference: his interview with Q TV) On the hand, the even says that all religions pass the same message, hence, we all should adopt a single religion. This proves he isn’t sure about the knowledge himself and forces his thoughts on others.

  • Communal

He has been seen communal most of the times. For example, during the controversies and allegations from the side of Indian Government, instead of standing for himself, he picked to be communal by stating that attacking on him is an attack on all the Indian Muslims. (Source: Attack on me is attack on Indian Mulims: Zakir Naik – Muslim Mirror)

Another example of comes from his speech in Pakistan while he was talking to a Pakistani Christian Apologetic where he claimed that he won’t debate on any topic unless the opposition brings at least 50,000 supporters with him/her and he will keep increasing the requirement in the same ratio as his followers increase. This is a pure example of fascism and communalism where the minority is been oppressed. (Source: Christian pastor accepted Dr. Zakir Naik’s challenge | City 41)

  • Supports terrorism

There is no denying the fact that if person supporting terrorists and terrorism, is equivalent to the terrorists. This is the case with him. He fearlessly promotes terrorism by supporting Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda, attacks on USA and asks all the Muslims to become terrorists. (Reference: his speech)

  • Biased views on death penalty for religion conversion

He supports death penalty to Muslims who convert to any other religion in future but doesn’t expect the same penalty for people of other religions converting to Islam. (Reference: his interview with ARY Digital)

  • No words in front of celebrities

He didn’t speak out to his fullest and the way he does other time when he was in an interaction with the celebrities, specifically the Muslim celebrities. Maybe because he is more concerned about the conversion than the actual talk on Islam. (Reference: his interview with Barkha Dutt)

However, in his postcast-based interview with the Pakistani Comedian, Nadir Ali, he clarified that his a lot of the portions were cropped out by the team of that show which is quite possible. (Source: Nadir Ali)

  • Turncoat on the views of Pakistan

In his initial days, he used to claim that Pakistan is a failed state and it should not of been created. Due to his habit of changing his opinions often by manipulating his words, he later made a u-turn and started to show a soft emotional support for Pakistan. His current views, being different from his past views, he is now actually phrasing Pakistan for calling it the only state made in the name of Islam. (Reference: his interview with NDTV, Zakir Naik: Pakistan should not have been created | Pakistan Defence, Dr.Zakir Naik’s view on partition of india. | Forums)

In October 2024, he visited Pakistan with quite different words regardless of his claim that he believes that this country shouldn’t of been created even though he is a supporter of Islamic countries.

  • Trying to insult and making fun of others

He tries to insult other religions but he fails every time. For example, in one of his speech, he tried to make comment against the mighty Hindu dieties like Lord Shiv, Lord Ganesh etc. which was of course nothing. (Reference: his speech). One should not comment on anything with half or no knowledge. Right to Speech doesn’t allow right to say anything.

  • Targeting Malaysians

He tried to build a barrier between people of Malaysia by false commenting on Malaysian Hindus, thank to the Malaysian Government who stood up against him. He later had to apologise his act. He even got his Malaysian Permanent Residency in danger. (Reference: his speech in Malaysia)

  • Triggered Bangladeshis

His teachings and his channel is banned in Bangladesh as he is accused of inspiring one of the gunmen behind an attack in a cafe of Dhaka in 2016 where around 22 people were killed. Later, he admitted for giving the terrorists the basic formula for firings (Reference: A report by DD News and a post by him)

  • Unacceptable behaviour

In 2010, he was banned for entering to the United Kingdom and Canada by the respective government due to his numerous unacceptable comments on other religions. (Reference: An article by BBC)

  • Disown his own children

He claimed to disown his own children if he finds them converted to any other religion. He doesn’t care about his role as a father. (Reference: His speech on Peace TV, Dr. Zakir Naik: Will you KILL your son for leaving Islam? || Jay&Bina Reaction)

  • Trains his children

He has been training his children in the name of religion. This means, he is not interested in guiding his children towards the religion, principles or becoming human. He ‘”trains” his children. (Reference: His speech on Peace TV)

  • Doesn’t condemn September 11 attacks

No one can forget the painful attacks that took place in The States. Mr. Naik doesn’t condemn them, he supports them! (Reference: his speech)

  • Country ban

His speeches and his TV channel is banned in countries like India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, United Kingdom and Canada. While, Malaysia also condemns him.

  • Manipulation of Words

He is found manipulating words always to fulfill his agenda and maintain his toxic influence. For example:

  1. He claims that Charles Darwin’s Theory of Evolution is not a fact and just a “theory” since the name itself says that its a “theory”. In reality, this is just a manipulation since its a “scientific theory” where the official definition of it is: “A scientific theory is a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world, based on a body of facts that have been repeatedly confirmed through observation and experiment. Such fact-supported theories are not guesses but reliable accounts of the real world.” (AAS) Source: Huda TV
  2. A couple of times, he has preached that Prophet Muhmmad is being prophesied in the Hindu scripture, Saam Ved, specifically as “Ahmed” in Mantra 1500 of Uttararchika chapter just because of the presence of the word “Aham” which he wants us to believe is same as “Ahmed” itself. In reality, this is bogus and quite manipulative. “Aham” means “myself” in Sanskrit. (Source: Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in the Hindu Scriptures – The Vedas – Dr Zakir Naik)

Another weird fact about him is that he claims to be a “Medical Doctor” which is just hilarious at this point. (Source: Medical Or Dawah Dr.Zakir Naik #shorts)

  • Unmarried women are “public property”

He claims that the best word to describe unmarried women is “public property”. He further affirms that unmarried women are immoral and not decent. (Source: His speech in Pakistan)

  • Derogatory comments on eve teasing to support it

According to the “Medical Doctor”, if a man stares at a woman for more than 20 minutes, he is supposed to have inappropriate thoughts towards her. And if the man does not get inappropriate thoughts, he needs medical attention. The worst part is, he himself stared the woman for more than 20 minutes himself in the 1 hour interview while he gave this statement, that means even he had an arousal seeing the news anchor. (Source: Zakir Naik’s Lie. | What Happens After Looking At A Woman For 20 Minutes?)

I don’t think there is any explanation or comment needed on his views. Any practicing Muslim will find this derogatory.

  • Expects freebies just because he is “Dr. Zakir Naik” even if the host is suffering

Islam is against pride and classism but the Doctor can’t stay away from these. His ego and vainglory is beyond anything making him away from his own Deen. Just because he is a famous personality who is invited as the State Guest of Pakistan, he expects Pakistan International Airlines to carry his luggage weighing more than 1000 kilograms literally! Why would an airlines, especially the PIA which is already barred in many countries and suffering from huge financial crisis be liable to carry his 1000 kilograms of luggage for free? Given the fact that this much weight doesn’t even make sense for him to travel since Islam promotes simplicity. 1000 kilograms sounds too luxurious just to offer Dawah. (Source: Zakir Naik wants freebies)

  • Big lies

Dr. Zakir Naik claimed that he was travelling via Pakistan International Airlines and he was mistreated. But the reality is, he was travelling through Qatar Airways. Later, he denied that he said anything against PIA. Even though, lying is a sin in Islam. (Source: Zakir Naik’s Lie)

  • Using derogatory slangs like “ch**ka”

Doctor shamelessly chuckles on transgenders and intersexuals who are born with this condition by birth and calls them with the offensive Hindi slang, “ch**ka”. Any sensible Muslim who has read Quran even once in his/her life, would easily tell us that using slangs and cuss words is a sin but the Doctor can’t get away with his habits. (Source: Khawja Sara | Transgender | Chakka | Dr Zakir Naik)

He being a “medical doctor” is clearly missing out with the concept of pseudo-hermaphroditism.

  • Hypocrite

Dr. Naik claims that it is haram (sinful) to earn from YouTube while he himself has been operating his own multiple YouTube channels for at least 13 years. (Source: his channel, YouTube is haram)

  • Practicing nepotism

Islam condemns nepotism in different verses. Such as:

Abdul Malik ibn ‘Umayr reported: Umar ibn al-Khattab, may Allah be pleased with him, said, “Whoever employs a man among his loved ones or relatives, employing him for no other reason besides that, then he has betrayed Allah, His messenger, and the believers.”

عن عبد الملك بن عُمَير قال قال عمرُ بن الخطاب رضي الله عنه مَن اسْتعملَ رجلاً لِمَوَدَّة أو لِقَرابَةٍ لا يستعمِلُه إلاَّ لذلك فقد خانَ اللَّهَ وَرَسُولَهُ والمؤمِنينَ

Source: (Musnad al-Fārūq 740)

Despite this fact, the Medical Doctor chose only his own son, Fariq Naik, to become his successor establishing a ready business for him. (Source: Zakir Naik’s successor, his own son)

  • Cannot withstand hijabi orphan girls but can literally sit and get photos with actresses and air hostesses

Naik disrespected the hijabi orphan girls by going off-stage as soon as they were arriving. He supports his action by the logic that he cannot stand beside them because they are “non-mehram”, even though they were wearing burqa. On the other hand, this logic wasn’t there for him when it comes to have a seat and conversation with actresses (like Soha Ali Khan), air hostesses, news anchors etc who are dressed immodestly comparatively.

  • Condemns people who call out against devil practices like pedophilia, adultery etc.

The Medical Doctor was given a genuine concern from a Pashto girl who shares the ballad of the region she comes from. She mentions that pedophilia, adultery, suppressing women etc is common in her region and have been continuing for generations now. The response from the Doctor was utterly shameful since he called her out instead by accusing that she is not a trustworthy source even though he knows nothing about the scenario and never cared to ask. He further asked her to keep quiet and commanded that she should think 10 times before accusing those people and she would get into trouble if she had this same doubt in the court of the Almighty God (Allah SWT).

Source: Zakir Naik in Fiery Debate with Pakistani Girl Over Islam’s Tough Questions!

  • Women (even Muslims) cannot be the head of the states

In an interview with GNNTV, the Medical Doctor claims that a women should not be the head of the states even if they are Muslims, he further confirms this by saying “are all the men dead that we would allow a female head of the state?”. This is an utterly shameful remark and it does NOT align with the Islamic values where Khadijah bint Khuwaylid (RA) was a Muslim woman who was herself holding a senior position in her business than the Prophet Muhammad PBUH, Nusaybah bint Ka’ab being a female Warrior fighting for the Ummah during Battle of Uhud etc.

The worst part is, he exclaims, “alhamdulillah” which translates to “thank god” over the fact of the fall of the Former Bangladeshi PM, Sheikh Hasina and we all know right after his exile, her undergarments were publicly displayed by the rioters, mass stealing, persecution of minorities etc. event took place.

Source: Thank you Pakistanis for exposing Zakir Naik – Tahir Gora’s Exclusive Commentary

  • Physical intimacy will occur if two opposite sex together in a workplace

Doctor claims that if one woman and a man is in a locked room together at a workplace, it will lead to intimacy mentioning that there will be a devil between them who will lead all this.

This seems like he is himself that devil who can’t control his thoughts.

Source: Thank you Pakistanis for exposing Zakir Naik – Tahir Gora’s Exclusive Commentary

  • Doctor claims that a man can be forgiven even if he r*pes and m*rders someone

Doctor’s claims are going pathetic day by day which needs to be stopped because it is now an abuse of freedom of speech. His claim of God forgiving a r*pist and m*rderer is horrific.



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