Canada citizenship: Criteria and requirements

What does it take to get Canadian citizenship?

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Image result for canadaCanada is a country in the northern part of North America. It is the second largest country by size and is popular for expats willing to settle here or move there to study.
The country’s development, laws, individual freedom, helping police and everything fascinates the people around the world. 
Here is the eligibility to get Canadian citizenship:

For people 18 or older

  • One must be a permanent resident (he/she should have PR).
  • One should have lived in Canada for at least 3 years past 5 years.
  • One is regular and filed his/her taxes (if need to)
  • One should know at least one of the languages out of English and French, well.
  • One must be NOT under review for immigration or fraud reasons.
  • One must be NOT asked by Canadian officials to leave Canada (removal order).
  • One must have a good record in the books of his’s/her’s previous country.
If one qualifies and attains to the given points, then he/she can apply for citizenship for CA$630 (which is ₹32,366 approximately). The processing time will be of 12 months.
Then, he/she will undergo interviews and tests. 
Applicants who fall under the age group of 18 to 54 year old, they needs to give ‘citizenship test’ which comes with questions related to the country, Canada like its history, geography, economy, government, laws, symbols and so on. The test will be of 30 minutes having 20 questions where one is required to attempt at least 15 questions correct.
One also must meet the Canadian Language Benchmarks (CLB) of level 4 or higher. Various tests, diploma certificates can be accepted as a proof.

For under 18 

Having a Canadian parent

  • One must be a permanent resident in Canada.
  • An adult is required to pass the signature on the form along with the minor’s signature (if he/she is 14 or older).

Don’t have a Canadian parent or don’t have parents

  • One must be a permanent resident in Canada.
  • One must be physically present in Canada for at least 3 years out of past 5 years.
  • One must file his/her taxes if asked by CRA.
If one qualifies and attains to the given points, then, he/she can apply for citizenship for CA$100 (which is ₹5,137 approximately). Then, one needs to take Oath of Citizenship, if he/she is 14 year old or older.

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