When a little life, make lives!

When a little life, make lives!

                                                         —-Dhruv Shahrawat

Image result for plant growing on tree
There is a lot to see and experience in nature. Nature on Earth provides everything to keep life into existence and it never fails to amaze us. One of the most important elements on our Earth that nature has gifted us are the plants and trees. plant is a living thing that grows in the Earth and has a stem, leaves, and roots. A plant can also be called as a young tree because when we plant a seed or plant, we put it into the ground so that it will grow there and become a tree. Plants, biologically are really interesting to study upon where the process of a plant, growing to a tree is just stunning.
Initially, a seed is formed by the process of seed formation. Male plants release pollen, which fertilize with ovaries. The fertilized ovaries develop into seeds, which can then be distributed to make new plants. Then, the seed is set for germination. Germination is the process of seeds developing into new plants. First, environmental conditions must trigger the seed to grow. Usually, this is determined by how deep the seed is planted, water availability, and temperature. When water is plentiful, the seed fills with water and enriches itself with required proteins and soil. After this magical process, the seed starts to grow, then, gradually and slowly, the seed takes little space for its root and grows outside the surface of the ground. After this, a small planter can be seen which takes the name of a plant. This plant looks really small and fragile. If we see it, we would never believe that this will turn into a huge tree which can give us shelter in summers, give home to birds and insects and bless the lives with its fruits! Slowly-slowly, the plant spread its roots to have a strong grip and grows tall! This process takes time according to its specie. Some plants may grow quickly and some may even take a decade! There are thousands of varieties in plants growing to trees. These trees enrich our mother Earth providing us a lot of resources like oxygen, fruits, shelter and the list is endless.
There is no life without the beautiful plants! It is our responsibility to make a good environment for them and let them grow. Plants and trees are actually the face of Earth!


Content Writer, Author, Founder


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