Google going to shut down one of its service by April 2019!

Google going to shut down one of its service by April 2019!

Image result for google plus
‘Google+’  an Internet-based social network owned and operated by Google, is going to shut down forever. All the data, accounts and content will be permanently removed with the website by April 2, 2019. This is a social networking website which was launched by Google in June 2011 in an attempt to challenge other social networks such as Facebook and Twitter. ‘Google Plus’ or ‘Google+’ had around 11,10,00,000 active users in 2015, this is no doubt a big crowd and Google+ has been actively used around the world but these active users are quite less than the active users in other social networking platforms. This platform is loved by many but due to various reasons, Google found shutting down a good decision. 
Here are the reasons of shutting down this platform:
  • Less number of active users as compared to other platforms.
  • High competition by other social-networking platforms like Instagram, Twitter etc.
  • NY Times says that Google found that Google+ had exposed personal information of over 5,00,000 users which created a set back for this.
  • There are a lot of challenges and tasks to be looked upon to run this platform. 
  • This platform has been consume a good amount.
  • and so on.

It is important for the users to backup or save their data of Google+ before time, otherwise, the data will be erased. Starting early March 2019, additional data will be available for download, including author, body, and photos for every community post in a public community.

How to download your Google+ data?

You can download an archive of all your Google+ data at once, including your Google+ circles, Communities, Streams, and +1’s. Your Google+ archive includes your photos and videos from Google+.
  1. Go to the Download your data page. You might have to sign in. Your available Google+ data will be preselected.
  2. Click Next.
  3. Choose a file type.
  4. Choose how you want your data delivered.
  5. Click Create archive.
  6. You’re done!

Google+ will be really missed by many. This was one of the greatest social-media platforms. Anyways, this is what the decision is. Though, Google will transition Google+ to be a business service. Meaning that it would become a G Suite service used for inter-team communication but this is not the substitute to it. We wish Google to come up with another platform that will cover the needs of Google+ which users will lose.

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