Are all people in UAE rich?

Are all people in UAE rich?

UAE (United Arab Emirates) is one of the richest country around the world. The country’s native people or locals are usually said to be the rich ones. Whenever a person gets to know about another person living in UAE, he/she would come up with a thought of that person being really rich. There are a lot examples which show that Emiratis and people there are really rich and they live an ultra-luxurious life, but is this true for all people in the UAE? Well, the answer is no. 
We have seen people from the Emirates flying in expensive flights, travelling in luxurious cars or supercars, getting gold-plated stuff and so on, but did we observe upon the other groups of the society? Few of us did that.
There is no exact information about poverty in UAE as of now, but according to TPR research, Emiratis are found to be in well living conditions and many of them are rich too. Though, there are some poor and less rich Emiratis found in UAE in areas like Fujaira, Ajman and Ras-Al-Khaima. Travellers and expats don’t see them because they are really less in population and they don’t interact much. 
Apart from the Emiratis, there are expats living there too, making more than 81% of the population. This means, they are the ones who make UAE’s population. These expats do not get citizenships usually, only on a rare note. They earn good but not all of them. There are labourers, housekeeping department people, servants etc. people who earn really low. There are engineers, doctors, accountants etc. too who earn really low. The type of work doesn’t matter. There are expats in the Emirates who are not in good living conditions, don’t have a proper diet and lack savings. These people are mostly the people working as labourers, who belong from countries like Pakistan, Bangladesh, China, USA, Philippines, Nepal and India. While, the natives of the country (Emiratis) are not at all facing any of the economic issues as per the Emirati government.
Every country has rich as well as poor sections of people, no country or place can be completely rich!

Content Writer, Author, Founder

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