5 facts about Qatar one may not know!

Facts about Qatar

Image result for qatar flag on map

Qatar is an Arab country situated in Middle-East. It is quite small in size and known for futuristic skyscrapers, ancient Islamic remains, culture and so on.

Here are the top 5 facts about Qatar.

5. Only 20% of the populations are the citizens of the country.

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Qataris (the citizens of Qatar) compromise only 20% of the entire population of the country.

4. A pearl-shaped island

Image result for The Pearl doha

The country has a pearl-shaped island, The Pearl in Doha (the capital city). This is an artificial island made in memory of the locals who used to extract pearls in the past. This is the first land in Qatar to give ownership to expats and foreigners.

3. 99% of the population lives in a single city

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Around 99% of the people in Qatar live in the capital city, Doha. The remaining 1% lives outside Doha

2. Not even a single forest

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Qatar is one of the only four countries in the world which doesn’t have even a single minor forest. San Marino, Greenland and Oman are the others.

1. Flat

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It is the second-most flat country in the world (after Maldives). This is because it is just flat, there are neither hills nor anything high. The average elevation is just 28 meters.


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