List of Indian brands selling phones

12+ Indian brands in phone industry

In the present days, the world is bombarded with smartphones. We find a large variety of smartphones to choose from with every price tag. Over the years, certain smartphone brands are providing affordable smartphones which helped many to get one for themselves.
China, South Korea, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and India are some of the countries with highest number of smartphone-dealing brands.

Here is the list of Indian brands which deal in smartphone.

1. Micromax

‘Micromax Informatics’ is company headquartered in Gurugram, Haryana (India). It was founded in 2000 by Mr. Rahul Sharma and other founders. They launched India’s first phone to have Qualcomm Snapdragon processor.

2. Yu

‘Yu Televentures’ is a sub-brand of Micromax Informatics founded in 2014 by Mr. Rahul Sharma. It is headquarted in Gurugram. The first device under this brand was ‘Yu Yureka’ launched in 2014 only.

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3. Xolo

Xolo is a company which deals in phones, tablets, laptops, power-banks and so on. It was founded in 2012 by its parental brand, ‘Lava International’. Both of the companies are headquartered in NOIDA. Xolo launched India’s first smartphone with an Intel Core processor.


4. LYF

LYF, also known as ‘Reliance LYF’ is a Mumbai-headquartered company dealing in smartphones and feature phones. It was founded by Mr. Mukesh Ambani under Jio in 2015. LYF’s JioPhone series is most popular series of phone they have ever launched. JioPhone and JioPhone 2 are two feature phones running on KaiOS which support WiFi, 4G connectivity, voLTE calling and other necessary applications like WhatsApp. These phones came with attractive offers and a relatively economical price tag of ₹1,500 to ₹3,000.

5. Karbonn

Karbonn is a joint-venture company founded in 2009 by Mr. Pradeep Jain (current CEO of the company) and Mr. Sudhir Hasija. It deals in smartphones, tablets and other products.

6. Lava

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‘Lava International Limited’ is a company dealing in smartphones, feature phones, tablets and other accessories. It was founded on 2009 by various founders headquartered in NOIDA. It has a subsidiary brand too, named, Xolo.

7. Intex

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‘Intex Technologies’ is a company founded in 1996 by Mr. Narendra Bansal. It is headquartered in Delhi and it deals in smartphones, feature phones, tablets and so on.

8. Celkon

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Celkon is a company dealing in mobile phones, PCs, tablets and some wireless technical products. It is headquartered in Hyderabad founded by Murali Retineni in 2009.

9. Spice

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‘Spice Global’ is a company founded in 1980 by Mr. Bhupendra Kumar Modi. It is headquartered in Singapore. It deals in phones and various stuff.

10. Nexian

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Nexian is a company dealing in smartphones, feature phones and tablets. It is originated from Indonesia in 2006. Later acquired by Spice Global. Hence, it is an Indian brand.

11. iBall

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iBall is also known as ‘Best IT World Pvt. Ltd.’ is a company started in 2001 by the founder, Mr. Sandeep Parasrampuria. It is headquartered in Mumbai and it deals in electronic goods like smartphones, tablets, laptops, mouses, keyboards, scanners and so on.

12. Creo

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Creo is a Bangaluru-based company founded in 2013 dealing in phones and accessories. Creo Mark 1 was the first smartphone launched in 2016 under this brand.
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13. Lemon

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Lemon is a company which deals in phones and certain accessories. It is headquartered in NOIDA founded in 2008 by Mr. Sandeep Mushran.



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