6 countries with most of the Hindi speakers!

Countries with most of the Hindi speakers!

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Hindi is a language originated in India from Devnagri script. It is one of the widest spoken language by population but there are less speakers around the globe.
Hindi is a language originated in India. It is written in Devnagri script and the forth-most spoken language in the world. 
Here are the six countries by rank with most of the Hindi speakers:

1. India

Image result for india
India is a country located in South Asia. It is the second-most populated country in the world with the biggest democracy. There is no official national language in the country where Hindi and English are two widest spoken languages.
It is the largest country with Hindi speakers.

2. Nepal

Image result for nepal flag png smallNepal is a country located in South Asia. It is the 48th largest country in the world with Nepali as the most-spoken language.
It is the second largest country with Hindi speakers.

3. Fiji

Image result for fiji flagFiji is a country located in South Pacific. It compromises around 300 islands. It is famous for the beaches, hotels, nature and farming.

It is the third largest country with Hindi speakers.

4. Pakistan

Image result for pakistan flagPakistan is a country located in South Asia. It is the sixth-most populated country in the world. The official language of this country is Urdu which is quite similar to Hindi, but not in scripts.

It is the fourth largest country with Hindi speakers.

5. Trinidad and Tobago

Image result for Trinidad and TobagoTrinidad and Tobago is a country located in Caribbean. It is popular for its nature, birds and beaches. English is the official language of this country.

It is the fifth largest country with Hindi speakers.

6. Bangladesh

Image result for bangladeshBangladesh is a country in South Asia. It shares border with India. Bengali is the official language of this nation which was originated in India where Hindi was also born.

It is the sixth largest country with Hindi speakers.

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