Can we adopt a Syrian baby?

Adopting Syrian baby

You can adopt a baby from Syria but it depends upon your nationality, region as well as religion.

If you are a Syrian yourself, you can easily go to any orphanage or care centre and choose a baby for you. Then, after some verification and legal process, you’ll adopt a baby.
If you are an Arabic person (have citizenship of any Middle-East Muslim country) then it would be tough. You need to contact authorities and government for request of adoption. This will be a long process. You would need to visit Syria if your request is approved. Then, you can go and get your chosen baby.
If you neither an Arabic person nor a Syrian, then it would be highly difficult for you, but possible. You need to first reach to any genuine inter-country adoption agency, where you can choose the country and appeal your request. If your request is approved, then you need to consult an experienced inter-country adoption attorney.Later, you would require to conduct your home-study and get ready with proper documentation including forms. After taking permission from Syria, you may have to visit Syria for identification and getting the baby. This is highly difficult due to strict laws and norms of Syria. If you are a non-Muslim, it would nearly impossible.
It is your luck to get one.

Content Writer, Author, Founder

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