Can India become like Syria under the rule of Modi government?

Mr. Modi wins the seat again: Can India become like Syria?

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As per the voting results declared on May 23, 2019, Mr. Narendra Modi again won the hearts of Indians which made him the Prime Minister for the second time.
Before this, there was some baseless debates and questions coming up regarding the Indian PM that he can make India just like Syria. This is not even a valid point to discuss upon but a serious thing to know that how lame our society can think off.
This went little popular on Quora when someone asked this question, “Is India becoming Syria under Modi?
This question or debate is invalid in every case, not specifically Mr. Modi.

Here is the justification to just end this all, not specifying Mr. Modi.

Under any politician or political party, India can never be like Syria as India is a democratic country where parties and leaders come in power on citizens’ choice. Elections are held every five years and the authorities with the people make sure that no party or leader rule for long or misuse the position and power. Whereas, Syria is not a democratic country (so-called dictatorship). There can be a leader who is coming to power and ruling for very long. Also, it is not based on people’s choice.

Image result for syria flagIn Syria, the conditions are not good. The country is suffering a lot. There is a big sign of poverty, crime and injustice. The country is suffering from wars from various groups like ISIS (Islamic State Of Iraq & Syria), Syrian army, rebels against Bashar Al-Assad (the ruler) and other various terrorists and criminals. Though, the Syrians are trying their best to get their country in better state and safer for them. They have been suffering a lot. Also, people aren’t treated equally and the police barely helps people other than prestigious personalities and locals. Crimes take place at a large scale. People aren’t allowed to do many things. There is no genuine procedure for anything or laws. Though, with the all respect, we believe Syria will end all the problems it is facing as there are improvements seen and we believe in them! It is responsibility of our humanity to help and support them as much as possible.

Image result for indiaIn India, condition is far better than Syria, no leader (like Narendra Modi) or party can make the condition of India like Syria. India has comparatively less crime and poverty than Syria. People here can easily get citizenship and are allowed to do almost anything. There is no leader ruling for long. All people are treated equally. No individual can be discriminated on the basis of religion, caste, sex, place of birth, colour, choice, name and so on.


Note: We do not support any politician or political party. We respect the Indian government the Indian Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi and everyone from Syria. There is no intention to hurt anyone or any group. Here are just some views and opinions drawn forward.

Content Writer, Author, Founder

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