Does Apple slow down the old (sold) iPhones?

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Apple Inc. is an American multinational company headquartered in California, USA. This company deals in consumer electronics, softwares and online services.
‘iPhones’ makes this company really popular. It is a series of phones. First phone was the iPhone, launch in 2007.

There is a rumour going on regarding iPhones that Apple intentionally slow down the older iPhones in-order to increase sales as it will make customers to switch to a newer iPhone.

Apple doesn’t slow down there outdated smartphones. There was a rumour spreading about Apple Inc. admitting to slow down their old models, which may be false.

Apple is good in providing software updates even to the old models. Even after the release of iPhone XS/XS Max, company provided update of iOS 12 on iPhone 5s before only. An iPhone or any other smartphone in fact, stops giving the expected performance usually after 2 or 3 years. This may be because it requires a new battery. Also, there are reasons like slowing down of processor, any internal defect or the life span of that smartphone must be finishing.

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