Countries which need immigrants desperately!

The world is developing with a lightening speed with the help of efficient management, leadership, proper use of human resource and inventions. But, we also witness widespread of increasing human…

Modi announces new Cabinet staff – complete list

On July 7, 2021, the big news of Cabinet reshuffle in India came into the the light. The Indian Government under BJP reshuffled many ministers and staff in different ministries…

Acronyms for learning Business Studies

Acronyms to learn points and concepts in the subject, ‘Business Studies’ of class 12 of CBSE The syllabus of the subject, Business Studies of class 12 (CBSE) is quite good…

Best alternatives for all the banned 59 apps!

In the beginning of July 2020, Indian government banned about 59 Chinese applications which run on phones, televisions, tablets and laptops from app markets like Play Store, App Store and…

India bans 59 Chinese apps to stand against China

Introduction India and China are two neighbouring countries located in South Asia. These countries are one of the biggest and most powerful countries in the world. Since 1954, India-China relations…

Countries with their currency name ‘Rupee’.

Countries where name of the currency is ‘Rupee’ pic We know that there are many different currencies with the name ‘Dollar’, but all of us don’t know that their are…

The largest screen given by Samsung on a phone!

The largest screen smartphone by Samsung. When we think of large screen smartphones by Samsung, we come across Galaxy S series and Galaxy Note series. Many of us don’t know…

No GDP for Bhutan!

Bhutanese believe in GNH (Gross National Happiness) instead of GDP (Gross Domestic Product). GDP (gross domestic product) is a monetary measure of the market value of all the final goods and services produced in a…

Shh! Your phone is listening to you, it knows all you speak!

Is Google listening to you? All devices especially Android devices are incomplete without Google. Google LLC is an American multinational technology company that specializes in Internet-related services and products, which…

How does foreign trade lead to integration of markets in different countries?

How does foreign trade lead to integration of markets in different countries? Foreign trade has taken a massive recognition around the world. It leads to integration of markets in different…

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