Are all people in UAE rich?

Are all people in UAE rich? UAE (United Arab Emirates) is one of the richest country around the world. The country’s native people or locals are usually said to be…

Fortnite hits the Android and iOS platforms!

Fortnite hits the Android and iOS platforms! ‘Fortnite’ game was launched in July 2017 initially. From August 2018, it is available for Android and iOS as well, that too officially.…

Areas in which iPhones do better than the Android phones!

There is a tough competition between Android smartphones and iPhones. One cannot conclude which is better as this argument is never ending. There are some advantages an iPhone has over…

Which is more impressive given the context they were built in: The pyramids, the great wall of China, or the Burj Khalifa?

 Which is more impressive given the context they were built in: The pyramids, the great wall of China, or the Burj Khalifa?   The most impressive amongst the Egyptian pyramids,…

Is Pakistan more beautiful than India?

Is Pakistan more beautiful than India? Every country has its own beauty. One cannot compare the countries especially countries like India and Pakistan which have almost same weather and natural…

Is this really the toughest Mathematics question for class 10 of CBSE?

Is this really the toughest Mathematics question for class 10 of CBSE? CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education) is a national-level education board in India controlled by Union Government of…

‘THE PROFOUND REPORT’ launches on 26 January 2019!

‘THE PROFOUND REPORT’ launches on 26 January 2019! A new blog website named as ‘The Profound Report’ is launched on 26 January 2019 across the Web. This website is founded by…

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