Areas in which iPhones do better than the Android phones!

There is a tough competition between Android smartphones and iPhones. One cannot conclude which is better as this argument is never ending.

There are some advantages an iPhone has over an Android phone:
  • OS updates: Apple usually give regular updates for iPhone users to upgrade their OS. Even the old devices also get.
  • Free from bloatware: Apart from Stock Android devices, Android phones may come with annoying bloatwares which one cannot delete officially. Whereas, iPhones are free from bloatware.
  • Better working with other iOS devices: iPhones usually work better than Android phones with other iOS devices like MacBook, iPad, iPod, Apple TV etc.
  • Apple Pay: iPhones let users to use ‘Apple Pay’ while Android doesn’t.
  • Helpline and services: Apple offers better helpline online or over a call than many other Android phone makers. Also, it gives a good servicing environment.
  • Innovation: Apple usually brings new ideas and innovations for their new iPhones which other companies follow. For example; the notch.
  • Apple to Apple Bluetooth: iPhone users can also share their data to another Apple device via bluetooth. While, Android cannot share data via bluetooth to Apple deviced.
  • Universal: Apple iPhone is avialable in almost every country. This makes it easily accessible and easier help. Whereas, Android phone makers might not be everywhere.
  • Value: Usually, iPhones do not drop their market value on a big scale while reselling it. Whereas, some of Android phones might fall in price after purchasing.
  • Status symbol (not a valid point, though): iPhones usually make a better status symbol and eyewash than the Android phones.

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